Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hobby Farm: Day 2

Girl arrived yesterday, hurray!
We went into town and grabbed some Bobbie's grub; yummy milk shake...chocolate.
Brought home leftover fries because they were tasty.
We need to get out to the Turkey factory...that just doens't sound right, but I guess that's the way it's gotta be...factorizing the turkeys.
Havent' had any major thoughts lately; just that I need to finish the M.Ed.
Data collection write up is due Thursday, which is quite the goal.
Once I get that done, then I'm really on my way.
Yesterday we got some fresh veggies from a realtor's parking lot--six bucks for five onions, a bag of baby red potatoes, a small bag of peas and I think that's it...maybe a cucumber.
Girl picked fresh lettuce out of the garden out back, and grape tomatoes and a cucumber. Yummy. Reheated some venison from the other night's grill out, and reheated fries for dinner.
Watched DirectTV for far too long.
Kirby, the pig, knocked over the bird bath while trying to eat the flower garden around it. He makes the craziest noises. He's a blast.
Still need to feed the goats today.
Gotta get off so girl can call on a mini-crisis: need to cancel some timeshare scam thing and there's no way to do it.
* * *

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hobby Farm: Day 1

Dirk, Kinsford and Breaca are fed, watered, out of their cages and happy.
Kirby, Dominoe and the goats ('cause I know no names but Gernomino), are fed and happy.
Had Crazy Spider web his way up my shirt and I spilled Corona Extra in the dark,
half-over and down onto the ground. Washed bad beer away with dog water.
Girl gave me wrong directions; met a chode on the road who wouldn't let me pass...wanted to kick his ass but passssssssed on that, so I passed him furiously in my four banger.
Froot Loops, beef sticks, cheese curds and beer was dinner.
Much Ninja Gaiden was had.
Hot tub under a sugar bowl of stars until 3 AM.
* * *
This morning,
Dogs barked at deer 7:30 AM, thought the house was burning down.
Damn, then I had three dogs back in bed and it's a little bed. I enjoyed it for a while.
Neighbor kids stopped by; one of 'em reminds me of Gary, old stomping grounds friend. The Gary-looking neighbor kid looked like some man-eating insect had taken bites right out of his legs and ankles. He wore heavy cotton moccasins, like what you wear in winter; only now it's 90 degrees. Gary-looking neighbor kid has a brother--at least I believed he was brother--who has a mental impediment. It's not downs, but his tongue is thick and his attention moves mobily from object to object; from caribeaner clip to Hot Wheels cars. They are older in their teens, or so it seems, and Gary-looking neighbor kid told me stories, after he'd seem my smokes on the counter, that he chewed tobacco and that Red Man was good and I mentioned that I liked Beach Nutt (two "t's"?) and he told me of his uncle who had him put a huge pinch (not a chaw) of Copenhagen in his lip and then smacked him on the back and down went the juices well on their way to an upset stomach. I hadn't even had my coffee yet.
venison on the grill, two eggs sunny in the kick'nest skillet, and two red potatoes fried in a pan washed down with Cornoa was lunch.